Service families
Service Family Information
The Crofton Cluster of schools have a high number of families with one or both parents/ carers either currently serving or having served in the Services (This includes Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and RAF).
There is a range of advice and support available to Service families in our community and with children attending our schools.
Groups for children include: Crofton Hammond Infants Musketeers, Crofton Hammond Juniors Keeping In Touch, Crofton Anne Dale Federation Little Troopers and Crofton secondary's Crofton DandeLIONS (events are posted on the website). All children with a parent/ carer in the Services can attend so please let school know if you are in the Services so your child can be offered a place.
Hampshire County Council have put together a resource for schools and families which focuses specifically on supporting pupils from service families. Please click the drop down menu below to view/download this PDF guide.
Food SupportActs of Kindness 07726577761 Gosport and Fareham Basics Bank 07826305900, The Old Railway, Gosport, or 07708305795 Fareham Too Good To Go (App) Trash Café Gosport 07717357416, Stoke Road, Food Revolution Fareham Henry Cort Drive, see Facebook page for opening hours Waypoint Hub Waypoint Church 255 Hunts Pond Road, Fareham PO14 4PG Email: Phone: 07857811962